Today's IYA theme is "Around the world in 80 Telescopes"!
Since it's impossible to watch online for 24 hours (at least it is for me),
this IYA website breaks down the telescope segments so you can watch one or
a few any time. Sort of like Astro TIVO. :-)
It's on the 100 Hours of Astronomy website, and as each segment finishes
it's shown as a link.
For those who want to geek out in real time, it's on Ustream TV live, where
you can join 3,000 others and chat realtime while watching the video.
Careful, or you'll get hooked!
Speaking of telescopes, my April 2009 What's Up podcast features four of
most famous telescopes: Hubble, Spitzer, Chandra and Galex as they image
the Whirlpool Galaxy. Before and after the big eyes, spy the Whirlpool
you'll see some lovely small images of galaxies including the whirlpool
galaxy. Mojo took those images out at our desert observing spot this past
year. :-)
Here are the best places to get the video:
On YouTube - which is easy to load
NEW: A new archive of all What's Ups
The weather is looking great for our two sidewalk astronomy events this
weekend. 7-9 p.m. both nights. One warning for those who might want to
bring a telescope for the first time to Monrovia Saturday night. There is
landscaping going on in the gorgeous new Library grounds. The construction
fences are down but there is a lot of planting going on, and there is a
smaller space of pavement for telescopes and lots of redwood mulch where we
may have put a telescope or two or three in the past.
Stop by and say hello tonight or Saturday! Jane
Jane Houston Jones
Senior Outreach Specialist, Cassini Program
JPL - 4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 230-205
Pasadena, CA 91109 818-393-6435
NEW!!What's Up for April: