Sidewalk Astronomy tonight will get underway at about 7:30 p.m. same
place -- Myrtle and Lime Street corner, Monrovia early birds should get
a view of Venus, followed by great views of Jupiter, Saturn and probably
Mars by 9 p.m. We'll probably shut down at 9:30 p.m.
Coming up after that will be probably Sidewalk Astronomy on September
15th and/or 22nd, our annual star party at Descanso Gardens on August
29th, and our annual star party at Huntington Library on October 20th.
You'll find out about those events if you are members of those gardens.
I don't think they are open to the non-member public, but you could
always check.
I haven't heard yet if our October 6th Mojave Star Party date has been
approved, or of flooding damage from rains a month ago will cancel or
postpone that event.
That's all for this week! Jane
Jane Houston Jones
@jhjones @otastro
Jane's What's Up video episode #134:
August 2018 - Perseids!
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