Tonight's forecast is "mostly clear," and Jane and I plan to be in Old
Town Pasadena from about 7:00 p.m. 'til 10:00, or until we're too cold
or hungry to stay. :)
While we never know exactly where we'll be, it's always somewhere on the
two-block stretch on Colorado Blvd. from Fair Oaks to Pasadena Ave., and
usually on the north side of the street. If we find street parking (we
usually do), that's where we set up. If not, we can unload near Barnes
& Noble, or near One Colorado, and hand the astro van off to valet parking.
With the moon and Saturn being very far north in the sky, you might find
one or both of us hauling our big dobsonian telescopes across the street
for a less obstructed view.
We should have great views of the first-quarter moon almost overhead in
the sky, and Saturn mid-way up in the east.
I often use the analogy that looking up at the sky from the surface of
the earth is like looking up from the bottom of a swimming pool. It
could be a lot more like that tonight, with upper-level winds bringing
us tomorrow's clouds and rain.
Which brings up the point that Saturday's forecast is not looking good
for sidewalk astronomy. If the "conditions on the ground" look
different tomorrow night, I'll update you right here.
Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers