It looks like we'll have clear skies tonight and tomorrow. We plan to
have telescopes in Old Town Pasadena tonight, and Old Town Monrovia
Saturday night.
We'll have three targets: In the early evening the gibbous moon will be
out and Mars will be almost overhead. A little later in the evening
Saturn will be low in the east.
The air is not forecast to be very steady tonight, so we're not likely
to see much detail on Mars as it gets further away. We'll certainly give
it a shot though.
Look for us from about 7:00 'til 9:00 on both evenings. Friday night on
Colorado Blvd. near Delacey, wherever we find parking; Saturday night in
Monrovia at Library Park, on the corner of Lime and Myrtle.
Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA
Old Town Astronomers: