We'll attempt to see the moon and Jupiter tonight from Myrtle and Lime
Streets from 6:30 - 8:30, through hazy skies. We'll celebrate the life
of John Dobson, our friend and founder of the Sidewalk Astronomers, who
died on January 15, at the age of 98.
Mojo and I were lucky to have been at his 98th birthday party in
September 2013. I thanked him (again) for introducing me to the night
sky, public astronomy and science education over 25 years ago.
Tonight I'll bring the first telescope I made in his 1988 telescope
making class. Making that telescope, especially grinding and polishing
my first mirror, with his assistance, has led me on many unexpected
journeys, including the journey to Southern California ten years ago.
The first question I was asked on an interview for my job in Education
and Public Outreach for JPL's Cassini Mission to Saturn was "Did you
really make a telescope in John Dobson's class"? Really!
During my first week on the job, that same manager stopped by my desk
and asked: "I have a 6-inch telescope with a really dirty mirror, can
you clean it for me? Yes!
See you tonight, I hope! If not, watch February's What's Up, my 80th
monthly stargazing podcast.
25 years ago, when I was taking my first looks through my homemade
telescope, I never would have dreamed it would lead me here!
Thanks, John :-)
Jane Houston Jones
Monrovia, CA
Jane Houston Jones
@jhjones @CassiniSaturn @NASAInSight
What's Up For Feb? All the planets, Dawn & Rosetta