"The three brightest objects in the night sky huddle close together in
the western sky this evening. We won't see them sharing such a small
region of the sky again for more than two years". I could snip more
from this evening's Stardate, whuich I heard on the radio as I was
driving home from work., but why not go out and take a look at the
spectacle for your self.
If you missed it (it's almost 8 p.m.Tuesday and the three are quite low
ing the west right now) you can experience the view vicariously by
reading the rest of Stardate Online
See you this weekend maybe? We'll be out with telescopes showing a nice
moon Friday and Saturday nights.
Jane Houston Jones
Monrovia, CA
34.2048N 118.1732W, 637.0 feet
Old Town Astronomers: