Hi everyone, first things first: An ISS pass tonight! Time: Tue Aug 02 8:25 PM, Visible: 6 min, Max Height: 48°, Appears: 10° above NW, Disappears: 12° above ESE
We should have a few astronomers out at Myrtle and Lime in Monrovia this coming Saturday night, weather permitting. There will be just one main target, the moon, but some astronomers may show some interesting stars, double stars or other objects. Sunset is a little before 8 p.m. but the bright moon will be visible before that, so astronomers may be setting up by 7:30 or so.
August is famous for the Perseid meteor shower, but this month, the peak nights will be marred by the moon. You can read more about the perseids, morning planets, and the lovely constellation Cygnus in this month's What's Up for August podcast: https://youtu.be/KdNHpX-u9w0
That's all for now! Jane, and the Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
-- Jane Houston Jones, retired JPLer *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-: Twitter: @jhjones @otastro Instagram @janehoustonjones http://www.otastro.org/ Astronomy, travel, music, food, cats